
Annual Meeting of the “Arbeitskreis Hochgebirge”,

Dear members of the AK Hochgebirge (Working Group High Mountain Research) and interested colleagues,

we are delighted to announce the 2025 annual meeting of the “Arbeitskreis Hochgebirge”, the German network of high mountain researchers, at the University of Bayreuth – Forschungscampus Waischenfeld – Frankenjura from Friday to Sunday 16.-18.05.2025. Welcome to Oberfranken in Bavaria!

We will gather in the heart of Frankenjura (Fränkische Schweiz) and are looking forward to a half-day excursion around fascinating rock cliffs on Friday afternoon including an evening at the fire place, scientific talks during all of Saturday and workshops / business meeting on Sunday morning (departure after lunch). Costs are 54 € per night in single rooms (students will be able to share rooms) plus catering for meals (details will follow soon). We encourage non-German-speaking researchers and students to attend, and we will also include flash-talks on poster presentations!

Please register via e-mail to anke.jentsch@uni-bayreuth.de indicating your status (student versus regular), your dietary preference (omnivore versus vegetarian/vegan) using the following template for abstracts (talk versus poster).



Merle Mountaingoat1*, Richard Rock2, Stefan Steineklopfer3

1 Department of …, University of … * Presenting. Email: m.mountaingoat@uni-bayreuth.de

2 Department of …, University of …

3 Department of …, University of …

Main abstract text, max 300 words


If not communicated otherwise during registration, we will count on you from Friday to Sunday (including all three lunches). Individual costs and mode of payment will be send upon registration. Please note that the registration ends 20.03.2025!

Best wishes from Bayreuth, on behalf of the organizing committee, yours,

Anke Jentsch, Thomas Deola and Peter Wolff