
Call for Papers: Sitzung des AK Naturgefahren und Naturrisiken in der DGfG

29.-30. April 2024

The unexpected problem to deal with the expected?
Epistemological and practical challenges to tackle the risks of today and tomorrow

The new normal in terms of hazard extremes and disasters seems to be arriving at our doorsteps. But while science has for a long time been warning about the types of events we have been observing over the recent years, societies and risk managers face challenges in finding “the right” answers and adapting systems in a speedy and proactive manner. Transformational risk reduction has become a much debated term – also within the AK – but empirical observations from across sectors and regions reveal that much of the current risk reduction still seems to be too slow, too reactive and guided by approaches and paradigms tested in the past rather than in scenarios of the future.

In this AK session, we therefore want to trigger our thinking “outside of the box” of proven paradigms. We invite a wide range of contributions which call into question existing risk management approaches, assess their potential advancements and propose scientific as well as practical agendas for a risk reduction of the future. We are particularly interested to foster the exchange and collaboration between different sub-disciplines and traditions of (geographical) risk research. These could include – but are not limited to – to aspects of physical risk assessments, social feasibility and acceptability of risk reduction measures, normative and ethical considerations of risk reduction, the communication of risks or educational aspects of risk literacy. We are open to theoretical, empirical and methodological contributions and to studies focused on different hazards, regions and sectors.

Next to the plenty of room for scientific exchange, this AK session aims to accommodate a joint discussion on the coming directions of the AK and a vote on its future speakers.

Please submit your abstracts by 13 March 2024 to m.garschagen@lmu.de, alexander.fekete@th-koeln.de and sven.fuchs@boku.ac.at