
DGGM 2024 – Legacies and emerging fields in Geomorphology

50th annual meeting of the German Society for Geomorphology
9th to 12th October 2024 (1st circular)

Dear members of the German Society for Geomorphology,
Dear colleagues,

We warmly invite you to the 50th annual meeting of the German Society for Geomorphology at Leipzig University.

DGGM 2024 – Legacies and emerging fields in Geomorphology

The conference is dedicated to the entire research spectrum on geomorphological archives, forms and processes at all possible spatial and temporal scales. Highly welcome are conceptual and methodological contributions to legacies and emerging fields in gravitational, aeolian, fluvial, periglacial, glacial, karst and coastal geomorphology, taking into account tectonic, climatic, biological or anthropogenic forcing parameters. This also considers emerging topics and interdisciplinary perspectives in geomorphology towards an anthropogenic world as well as shifting environmental and planetary boundary conditions.

We particularly call on early-career scientists to actively participate in submitting poster and oral contributions.

In addition, we are offering a choice of two field trips on Saturday, October 12, 2024. One field trip goes to the Mansfelder Land and addresses subrosion as georisk and the resulting archive potential. The second field trip goes to the Weiße Elster floodplain and focuses on the Holocene fluvial geomorphodynamics and human activity.

The Ferdinand von Richthofen Gold Medal will be awarded at the 50th annual meeting of the German Society for Geomorphology on Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 5 p.m. The medal is awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of geomorphological research. The DGGM General Assembly will then take place at 6 p.m. as part of the annual conference.

We look forward to your participation in Leipzig 2024 and remain with best regards.


Oliver Sass


Christoph Zielhofer

Djamil Al-Halbouni


DGGM chairman


Leipzig Coordinators


DGGM 50th annual meeting in Leipzig

Conference date: Wednesday, 9 th October 2024 (12 am) to Friday, 11 th October 2024 (4 pm)
Field trips: 12th October 2024 (8 am to 4 pm) Field trip A (Mansfelder Land)

12th October 2024 (8.30 am to 4 pm) Field trip B (Weiße Elster

Leadership: Prof. Dr. Christoph Zielhofer, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Djamil Al-Halbouni
Conference office: Lisa Pohlmann, Dr. Birgit Schneider, Dr. Johannes Schmidt
Fakultät für Physik und Erdsystemwissenschaften

Institut für Geographie

Johannisallee 19a, 04103 Leipzig

E-Mail: dggm2024@uni-leipzig.de


Tel: +49 341 97 32970 (Lisa Pohlmann)

Tel: +49 341 97 38578 (Dr. Birgit Schneider)

Tel: +49 341 97 32966 (Dr. Johannes Schmidt)

Internet: https://www.physes.uni-leipzig.de/en/dggm-2024


Ice Breaker: Wednesday, 9th October 2024, 7.30 pm, Institut für Geographie,

Johannisallee 19a, 04103 Leipzig

Conference Dinner: Thursday, 10th October 2024, 8 pm, Ratskeller, Lotterstr. 1, 04109 Leipzig
Conference Venue: Leipzig University, Talstraße 35, Geography Lecture Hall, 04103 Leipzig
Closing line: 24th June 2024 (conference, conference fee and field trips)
Registration form: https://www.physes.uni-leipzig.de/en/dggm-2024


Payment: With the registration (115,- Euro; students and PhD students 75,- Euro)
Form of payment: By bank transfer to

Hauptkasse Sachsen – Universität Leipzig

IBAN: DE82 8505 0300 3153 0113 70

Verwendungszweck: 7040 00331-9/232391371 <Name>

The registration will only become valid once the conference fee has been paid.


Field trips

Field trip A: Unveiling Geohazards through time: Exploring Subrosion in Mansfelder Land’s
Changing Landscape

Saturday, 12th October 2024

Max. 25 persons (if you use your own car, additional persons are possible)

Leaders: Dr. Johannes Schmidt, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Djamil Al-Halbouni

Departure:   8 am, Institut für Geographie, Johannisallee 19a, 04103 Leipzig
Return :        4 pm Leipzig Hbf and 4.15 a.m. Institut für Geographie
Fee:              30 Euro


Field trip B: Holocene geomorphodynamics and human activity in the Weiße Elster floodplain
south of Leipzig

Saturday, 12th October 2024

Max. 16 persons (if you use your own car, additional persons are possible)

Leaders: PD Dr. Hans von Suchodoletz, Dr. Christian Tinapp

Departure:     8.30 am, Institut für Geographie, Johannisallee 19a, 04103 Leipzig
Return:           4 p.m. Leipzig Hbf and 4.15 a.m. Institut für Geographie
Fee:                30 Euro

