
Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography: Visiting fellows programme

KonKoop (Cooperation and Conflict in Eastern Europe: The Consequences of the Reconfiguration of Political, Economic, and Social Spaces since the End of the Cold War)

The Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography in Leipzig, Germany, invites applications for its

Visiting fellows programme (f/m/d)

in the framework of the KonKoop research network (Cooperation and Conflict in Eastern Europe: The Consequences of the Reconfiguration of Political, Economic, and Social Spaces since the End of the Cold War). Academic and non-academic applicants are welcome to apply for stays of two months at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL) in Leipzig. The project is based at the Cartography and Visual Communication (KVK) department of IfL, where the KonKoop project focuses on researching maps and other types of visualisations of peace and conflict. IfL coordinates the Multi-Perspective Visualisation Laboratory for Peace and Conflict Cartography (VisLab) which supports KonKoop researchers in using cartographic methods and visualising their case studies and research findings. As the fellowships are organised in close connection to the VisLab, we are particularly interested in hosting fellows keen on working with cartographic material or mapping methods from a journalistic or artistic perspective. The fellowship scheme is administered by the IfL and financed by the BMBF within the KonKoop network.

The IfL conducts basic research on the regional geography of Germany and Europe and communicates its research findings to a wider public. The Cartography and Visual Communication department explores the production and use of geospatial representations. It accompanies scientific networks and teams in their search for suitable visualisations of research findings and develops new forms of presentations reflective of contemporary media, methods and technical possibilities. In particular, it focuses on critical cartography methods both in map analysis and mapmaking approaches.

The research network KonKoop comprises six academic institutions from across Germany and is associated with many partners worldwide. It examines various conflict constellations and dynamics of cooperation in Eastern Europe, Southeast Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus. IfL participates in KonKoop with the Multi-perspective Visualisation Laboratory for Peace and Conflict Cartography (VisLab). The VisLab aims to strengthen the competencies of the KonKoop network in the use and production of maps and geovisualisations addressing conflicts in Eastern Europe. In addition, the VisLab develops critical approaches and methods for analysing maps produced by various actors with the aim to understand how cooperation partners and conflict parties represent their specific interests in national, state and independent cartography.

For further detail see here project KonKoop and Multi-perspective laboratory for peace and conflict cartography – KonKoop

The fellowship scheme
The fellowship scheme has been set up to support exchange between academic and non-academic communities and to stimulate knowledge production and transfer focusing on the cartography of peace and conflict, its societal and political effects, as well as innovative artistic and digital methods, which delve into issues of positionality and multiple perspectives on peace and conflict. The goal is to broaden the knowledge on the key topics of visualisations in conflict, multiperspectivity and the intersections of digital humanities and cartography.

Both academic and non-academic candidates are invited to apply, especially journalists, designers and artists who employ cartographic methods and are interested in developing critical or artistic mapping tools. In particular, the fellowships should be envisioned in connection with the production of the Atlas of Peace and Conflict Cartography. In that sense, we encourage fellows who have experience and interests in visual or data journalism, visual storytelling, interactive design and artistic mapping. No regional or disciplinary restrictions apply.

  • The fellowship duration is two months.
  • The fellows receive a 1.050 € monthly stipend and additional 750 € to cover travel costs.
  • The guest stay should preferably take place between September and December 2025.
  • The fellows will have their own working desk and access to the institutional library, the geographical archive and other facilities, as well as the support from senior researchers and technical staff experienced in the field of mapmaking and visualization.
  • The fellowships are explicitly output-oriented, i.e., the fellows should be developed with a precise goal in mind: atlas entries, joint publications, project applications, workshops, outreach products, exhibitions etc.

The IfL advocates professional equality for all genders. We value diversity and welcome all applications – regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic or social origin, religion, disability, age and sexual orientation. Severely disabled applicants are given preference in case of equal suitability.

Please send your application as a single pdf document with the subject: “KonKoop Research Fellow 2025” to: The application documents must include an up to date curriculum vitae (1-2 pages including most relevant publications or cartographic, art and design projects) and a letter of motivation with activity plan of not more than 1.000 words.

Information on how we handle your personal data can be found on our website, see ‘Data protection’. The results will be announced by mid-April 2025.

Coordinator contact: Dr Mela Žuljević (
Deadline: 4 April 2025