
IfL fellowship programme: Open call 2024

The Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography (IfL) invites interested candidates to submit applications for its fellowship programme, with the aim of initiating and deepening international cooperation through joint activities. Institute-wide and project-specific calls will be published at regular intervals.

The IfL conducts basic research on the regional geography of Germany and Europe, and communicates its research findings to a wider public. Under the heading “Geographies of the Regional”, the institute develops interdisciplinary perspectives on socio-spatial developments in a globalised society which is increasingly characterised by differences, diversity and complexity.

Open call 2024

The current call addresses potential international cooperation activities with all institute research areas, without thematic limitation. Both academic and non-academic candidates based outside of Germany are encouraged to submit applications for the fellowship scheme. No regional or disciplinary restrictions apply.

Fellowships are explicitly output-oriented, i.e. should be developed with a precise goal in mind: joint publications, project applications, workshops, outreach products, exhibitions etc. Other innovative formats are welcome. Activities should relate to IfL research agenda and its research areas, or a combination of those:

Type and Extent of Funding

During their tenure, fellows will spend a minimum of one month and a maximum of six months as in-person residence at IfL. The institute provides fellowship stipends of 1750 € per month. A limited number of travel grants up to 400 € are available upon request. An own working desk and access to all institute facilities, such as the Central Geographical Library and Archives will be provided.

The fellowships may take place any time between the 1st of April until 31st December 2024. Applicants are invited to actively participate in events at the hosting institution, and to deliver at least one public presentation in institute colloquia or a similar platform. Fellows are encouraged to organise workshops, develop research projects, contribute to teaching, or engage in other activities that are in line with the IfL research programme.

How to apply

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact researchers at IfL working in related fields before submitting an application.

Please send your application package as a single pdf document via e-mail with the keyword: “IfL fellowship: open call 2024” to personal@leibniz-ifl.de. The application documents must include an up to date curriculum vitae in 1-2 pages and a research and activity plan of not more than 1.500 words. This should lay down how your past and planned activities relate to the IfL research agenda, and shall include a detailed outline of the projected final output in terms of joint publications, events, follow-up applications etc., as well as outline the planned activities during the fellowship, and set a schedule for carrying out those tasks.

Please do not include a photograph in your application.


The IfL is committed to professional equality for all genders. We value diversity and welcome all applications regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic or social origin, religion, disability, age or sexual orientation. Severely disabled candidates and candidates of equal ability will be given preferential consideration based on equal aptitude, professional achievement and qualifications.

Application deadline: 15th of March 2024

Following a notification within two weeks after that deadline, fellowships may begin from April 2024 onwards.

Please note current fellowship offers within the Leibniz ScienceCampus Eastern Europe – Global Area and within the Contentious mobilities through a decolonial lens project. Furthermore, the IfL is pleased to support highly qualified applicants in DAAD application procedures or Marie-Skłodowska-Curie measures. Dedicated fellowships within the research focus on Visual Regional Geographies as well as the Cooperation and Conflict in Eastern Europe project will be announced shortly. Stay tuned!

The personal data collected by the IfL regarding your application and its evaluation will be processed exclusively for the purposes of the application procedure on the basis of contractual measures in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 b DS-GVO. The data will not be transferred to third parties. Recipients are the responsible employees, the works council and, if applicable, the inclusion officer or contact person for people with impairments and the equal opportunity officer of the IfL. We delete the applicant data you have provided us with 6 months after the application process has been completed, i.e. after the advertised position has been filled or after we have decided not to fill the position yet. For questions regarding data protection law and to exercise your rights, please contact personal@leibniz-ifl.de. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. Interview costs will not be reimbursed.

Coordinator contact        Dr Wladimir Sgibnev (w_sgibnev@leibniz-ifl.de)

Deadline                            15th of March 2024